M 101,sn2023ixf 2023-05-23 |
 NGC 5248 (C 45) 2023-05-10 |
 M 31 2023-04-30 |
 NGC 5005 2023-04-29 |
 Leo Triplet 2023-03-25 |
 Leo Duo 2023-03-25 |
 NGC 2903 2023-02-23 |
 NGC 2146 2022-04-27 |
 Messier 96 2022-04-27 |
 Messier 95 2022-04-27 |
 M33 Triangulum Galaxy 2021-11-12 |
 NGC 2403 2021-11-06 |
 M82 2021-06-03 |
 Leo CLuster, Abell 1367 2021-05-16 |
 NGC 4725 2021-05-11 |
 M51 2021-05-08 |
 M108 2021-03-22 |
 NGC 5005, NGC 5033 2021-03-21 |
 NGC 2903 2021-03-21 |
 NGC 3818 (Arp-214) 2021-03-14 |
 Arp 316 galaxy cluster 2021-03-08 |
 M64, Black Eye galaxy 2021-03-07 |
 NGC 6822, Barnard's Galaxy 2020-10-15 |
 NGC 7331 and Stephan's Quintet 2020-09-19 |
 NGC 5850 2020-06-20 |
 Draco Trio 2020-05-23 |
 NGC 5701 2020-05-22 |
 NGC 3718 2020-05-20 |
 NGC 4559 (Caldwell 36) 2020-05-16 |
 M63 Sunflower Galaxy 2020-05-14 |
 M61 and sn2020jfo 2020-05-14 |
 M106 galaxy 2020-04-19 |
 M51 galaxy 2020-03-28 |
 M101 galaxy 2020-03-28 |
 Leo Triplet galaxies 2020-03-22 |
 IC 342, the Hidden Galaxy 2019-11-02 |
 M33, Triangulum Galagy 2019-10-28 |
 NGC 6946, the Fireworks Galaxy 2019-08-04 |
 M101, the Pinwheel Galaxy 2019-05-06 |
 M77 galaxy, sn2018ivc supernova 2018-12-13 |
 NGC981 Silver Sliver Galaxy 2018-11-12 |
 M-81 spiral galaxy 2017-06-23 |
 M-109 Barred spiral galaxy 2017-03-26 |
 M-33 Triangulum Galaxy 2016-10-05 |
 M66 and supernova SN2016cok 2016-06-08 |
 M104, the Sombrero Galaxy 2016-04-28 |
 M65, M66, NGC 3628, the Leo Triplet 2015-04-15 |
 M86 et al, Markarian's Chain 2015-04-13 |
 M31, Andromeda Galaxy 2014-09-12 |
 NGC 7331 and Stephan's Quintet 2014-08-29 |
 NGC 6946, the Fireworks Galaxy 2014-07-25 |
 M87 2014-05-02 |
 M-74 with Supernova SN2013ej 2013-07-31 |
 M51 2013-06-04 |
 M33 Triangulum Galaxy 2012-10-06 |
 NGC 6946 (and NGC6939) 2012-07-09 |
 M106 2012-05-25 |
 M100 galaxy and NGC4312 2012-05-12 |
 M64, Black Eye galaxy 2012-04-18 |
 M51, Whirlpool Galaxy 2012-04-07 |
 Leo Triplet (M65 M66 NGC3628) 2012-03-24 |
 M95 and SN2012aw 2012-03-23 |
 NGC2903 galaxy 2012-02-22 |
 M97, the Owl Nebula, and M108 galaxy 2012-02-14 |
 M81 and M82, Bode's Galaxies 2011-12-20 |
 NGC 404, the Ghost of Mirach 2011-10-31 |
 M31, the Andromeda Galaxy 2011-10-31 |
 M101 and SN2011fe 2011-09-19 |
 Stephan's Quintet (NGC 7317-7320) 2011-09-02 |
 NGC 7331 and Stephan's Quintet 2011-09-02 |
 M51 and Supernova SN 2011dh 2011-06-06 |