Helena Observatory,   North Alton, NS


27-Jul-2024 04:58 ADT 27-Jul-2024 07:58 UTC


Current Conditions

Regular Observation at North Alton, NS
at 04:08 on 2024-07-27
Barometer101.66kPa (↘)
Wind Speed2.6km/h
Gusting to3.1km/h
Wind Direction292°T (W)
Rain last 5min0.0mm
Rain since 03:000.0mm

Today Summary at 04:08 on 2024-07-27
High Temperature14.1 °C00:00
Low Temperature13.1 °C02:59
Max Wind2.8 km/h00:27
Max gust6.5 km/h03:30
Avg direction333 °T (NW)
Wind Run1.5 km
Total Rain0.0 mm

Yesterday Summary at 23:59 on 2024-07-26
High Temperature24.6 °C16:42
Low Temperature14.1 °C23:58
Max Wind14.1 km/h14:28
Max gust22.6 km/h14:27
Avg direction306 °T (NW)
Wind Run53.3 km
Total Rain0.5 mm

Tropical Cyclone Update
No tropical cyclones


Kentville Forecast

Kentville Forecast issued on 26-Jul-2024 at 04:00 PM ADT
   Friday night:   Partly cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers early this evening. Clearing this evening. Fog patches developing overnight. Wind west 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Low 13.

Saturday:   Mainly sunny. Fog patches dissipating in the morning. High 26. Humidex 27. UV index 7 or high.

   Saturday night:   Clear. Fog patches developing overnight. Low 12.

Sunday:   Sunny. High 28.

   Sunday night:   Clear. Low 13.

Monday:   A mix of sun and cloud. High 28.

   Monday night:   Cloudy periods. Low 17.

Tuesday:   A mix of sun and cloud. High 29.

   Tuesday night:   Cloudy periods. Low 18.

Wednesday:   Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers. High 26.

   Wednesday night:   Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers. Low 19.

Thursday:   Cloudy. High 27.


Marine Forecast issued on 26-Jul-2024 at 3:30 PM ADT
FQCN13 CWHX 261830 Marine forecasts for the Maritimes issued by Environment Canada at 3:30 p.m. ADT Friday 26 July 2024 for tonight and Saturday. The next scheduled forecast will be issued at 8:00 p.m. ADT.


Wind southwest 15 knots diminishing to light early this evening. Wind light Saturday. Showers this afternoon. Fog patches forming early this evening and dissipating Saturday morning.

Grand Manan

Wind westerly 15 knots diminishing to light early this evening then becoming southerly 15 Saturday evening.


Wind westerly 15 knots diminishing to light early this evening then becoming southerly 15 Saturday evening.


Today's temperatures and rainfall at
red - temperature   pink - humidex   light blue - wind chill
purple - pressure   blue - rainfall   circles - Kentville data


Yesterday's temperatures and rainfall at
red - temperature   pink - humidex   light blue - wind chill
purple - pressure   blue - rainfall   circles - Kentville data


Year to date

Year-to-date temperatures
More Graphs

Surface Map

This map shows weather systems at ground level.
This is the weather you see and feel.

current surface map
Updated: 26-Jul-2024 at 12:47 PM ADT

Upper Level Map

This map shows weather systems at about 30,000 feet.
The winds at this level are what move the surface weather.

upper level (250mb) map
Updated: 26-Jul-2024 at 11:40 AM ADT

Infrared Satellite Photo

Satellite Infrared Image
GOES East Infrared Image. Click image for latest update.

Radar Map

Precipitation. Click image for latest update, including animation.

Other Image Links

Astronomical Forecast

 Lunar Phase 

Lunar phase
2024-07-26 16:57 ADT
20.46d, 68%


Third Quarter: 2024-07-28
New Moon: 2024-08-04
First Quarter: 2024-08-12
Full Moon: 2024-08-19
Third Quarter: 2024-08-26

Forest Fire Danger

24 hour fire weather index for 2024-07-27 at South Alton:
Low (2)
Kings County burning status: Restricted
Burning permitted between 7pm and 8am
Updated at 2024-07-26 16:55

see also NS Fire Weather Forecast
NS Fire Weather Forecast Map
NS Burn Restrictions Map


Tides at

The harbour at Hall's Harbour

Weather Station